Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flour crisis in Pakistan.............

The Pakistani nation is starving, Musharaf and his cruel army is thriving. flour crisis in Pakistan is worsening. People have to be in long lines to get one small bag of flour just for their basic needs. And the saddest thing is that 100% of Pakistani people use flour daily for their meals. It is the most essential commodity for rich and poor both. People can't survive without flour. Poor Pakistanis have been facing first sugar shortage, then gas shortage, electricity shortage and now extreme flour shortage. 

So who are we blaming for all these crises of basic necessities? 
Musharaf and his gang offcourse.................they have made it clear that they are the only humans in Pakistan who should have their verocious needs met.......they are trying their best to discredit the basic right of poor Pakistani citizens by depriving them of food and then shelters.........they are trying their best to make sure that mushdog and his allies should govern starved nation boundlessly...when a governance fails to provide the basic needs to poor citizens then they have NO right, absolutely NO right to for the governance.........what sort of good governance is this? for God's sake, wake up.....wake up Pakistanis.

Musharaf and his allies wish every Poor Pakistani citizen to die of starvation now. First he murdered thousands of poor Pakistani citizens on streets like vegetables last year with no regrets, no regrets at all and now they have acquired a new tactics to kill more and more poors via starvation...............that is the most painful scene to see, fourteen crores of Pakistanis are suffering due to these power hungry monsters who are eradicating Pakis days in and days out.....and then filling up their big corrupt bellies by looting poor people's money to fill their unlimited needs...........

Musharaf and his bast**d allies are undermining , suppressing and oppressing the basic right of Pakistani citizens to put an end to democratic waves in Pakistan and they're not letting go of any golden opportunity to make hostage all those poor and innocent Pakistani citizens to meet their own vicious make sure that their families are superior and they are not in those lines to beg for ,"FLOUR".....................

These monsters are living lavishly and for their lavish needs poor Pakistanis got to pay over the things that they don't even know what they did? Isn't it tragic? Isn't it sad enough to make us cry?
If NOT then we're not humans, we're worst than these blood sucker leaches and vultchers who call themselves Paki leaders.................rulers....

These harami rulers are sucking poor Pakis blood for their own extremely high expenditures and cause these inflations and recessions...........and then these harrammis borrow more and more money from central bank , much more than their their banks are just empty cans with some echos of poverty, some poverty stricken screams and they're not listening b/c they don't want to listen to those tortured voices who are the reason that they are calling themselves ,"RULERS"....RULERS of those who are starving from hunger..........sigh*
This Pakistani turmoil is in it's height, and the greatest tragedy is that there seems to be no end to the sufferings of Poor Pakistani citizens................resulting in mental anguish and physical disorders....currently, Pakistan has become a lawless, foodless and needless state where 80% population has become hostage of these army rulers, who are ruling them on gun points. Their poverty stricken lives have become miserable than prisoners of wars......... 
Now, this crisis of flour is an open proof of the kind of agony Poor Pakistanis are passing through.
When I see millions of poor Pakistanis standing in lines, fighting and arguing just for ,"ATTA(FLOUR)"...It hurts my heart and soul deep inside, when I see old worn-out ladies with broken legs(fractured) crying and begging for flour and being stepped over by other poverty stricken countrymen.....I feel agony, helplessness and then I start crying and my endless tears don't stop , they won't stop b/c I am devastated and so do my fellow countrymen, they're so badly devastated by these tragedies that my nation"s sufferings have reached unprecedented heights. It's so painful for me to be still alive and see all this with my own eyes................sigh*
I know a small progress could show us highly positive effects, but our rulers don't care for 80% of poor Pakistanis, they see them as blisters in their own land...............poverty, food insecurity and agricultural disparity have made Pakistan critically collapsed state..........I just feel bad, sad, hurt, agonized and helpless............sigh*
For the last couple of weeks, I can't can I eat ? when my own poor countrymen are living in dismal can I sleep, when majority of my countrymen couldn't sleep b/c of basic food shortage and are unable to sleep with hungry and empty stomachs?

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