Thursday, August 26, 2010

No More Guilt Trips on Currency Notes in Pakistan

                                 ATP Editor’s Comment: It turns out that, in fact, the said line (husool-e-rizq-e-halal ibaadat hai) does still exist on the new note. Our thanks to the readers who were able to catch the oversight that we failed to. However, we have kept the post live partly because the discussion is itself interesting and partly because the issue of whether having such a line on the note makes any difference on people’s behavior on ‘rizq-e-halal’, is itself an interesting topic.

Original Post: For many years every banknote in Pakistan reminded its owners that to make an honest living was a form of piety in itself.
No one really paid heed. And those who did probably laughed it away as a joke. The State Bank of Pakistan has therefore decided to stop that nonsense once and for all. If you don’t believe what I am saying then believe your own eyes here:
The old currency notes at the back were all inscribed in Urdu:
husool-e-rizq-e-halal ibaadat hai 
making an honest income is prayer

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